Rebuilding Ukraine: Four Future Scenarios
The cost of Ukraine's reconstruction stands at a staggering $486 billion—and climbs higher with each passing day. Timely decisions on investments, workforce, and resources will define the nation’s post-war recovery and long-term future.
The Rise of Virtual Status Symbols: Blockchain, Digital Art and NFTs
As we spend more and more time in the virtual realm, the notions of luxury and status symbols begin to manifest themselves in novel ways.
Game Over for Nation States?
Ray Kurzweil, one of the world’s leading inventors, thinkers, and futurists, stated in a recent interview that we are going to witness the end of the nation-state as we've known it. He believes that the elementary particles of the classical world order are about to change as technology will keep on making our borders less and less relevant.
Blockchain Revolution
The Blockchain is the technology behind cryptocurrency Bitcoin. It is one of the most discussed emerging technologies by the financial sector and seen as the next technological revolution by social and cultural visionaries. But is it hype, or a real technological change in progress?
Monetizing Sunshine
SolarCoin is a blockchain-based virtual currency which was initiated by SolarCoin Foundation to speed up the global renewable energy transition. Private and commercial solar owners registered in the SolarCoin network can claim one SolarCoin for every MWh of energy they produce. Generators of solar energy may receive SolarCoin grants.