We strive to continuously develop Future Platform's foresight database as a balanced and unbiased repository of knowledge on key drivers of change.
Our team of futurists regularly exchanges viewpoints, receives feedback and development suggestions from our Content Advisory Board members, who are internationally recognised experts in foresight.
Sohail Inayatullah, PhD
AUSTRALIA representative
Professor at Tamkang University, Taipei (Graduate Institute of Futures Studies) Associate, Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne, and Adjunct Professor at the University of the Sunshine Coast. First UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies. Laurel Award for all-time best futurist by the Shaping Tomorrow Foresight Network. Co-Editor of the Journal of Futures Studies and on the editorial boards of World Future Review, and Foresight.
Karndee Leopairote, PhD
THAILAND, ASIA representative
As a professor turned Innovation Strategy Advisor and Innovation Ecosystem Builder, Leopairote is now serving as the Chief Advisor on Innovation and Foresight at FutureTales Lab, MQDC, and she is a Co-Founder at ICORA Co., Ltd.
John P. Geis, PhD
USA, NORTH-AMERICA representative
Col John P. Geis II, PhD, USAF, retired; Director, Airpower Research Task Force. Former Chief of Research at the Air Force Research Institute and the former director of the Air Force Center for Strategy and Technology (CSAT). Published author on long-range strategic planning, he authored widely read publications, including “Discord or Harmonious Society? China in 2030", "Blue Horizons II: Future Capabilities and Technologies for the Air Force in 2030” and "The Alternative Futures for Air Force 2025".
Lieve Van Woensel, PhD
BELGIUM, EUROPE representative
Former foresight advisor, European Parliamentary Research Service. Expert in foresight methods, technology assessment, scientific advisory for policymaking, and methods for strategic preparedness for possible future developments; extensive experience in science-policy interface and strategic foresight at the European level. Authored a book on Foresight-Based Scientific Advice and a practical foresight manual with guidelines for foresight-based policy analysis.
Joseph Voros, PhD
Doctorate in theoretical physics (extensions to General Relativity); associated with the Swinburne University of Technology Master of Strategic Foresight for its entire run (2001-2018); developed the Generic Foresight Process framework in 2000, which won three research excellence awards. Independent futures researcher, educator, consultant and speaker. Clients have included the Australian Defence College, the Australian National University’s National Security College and NATO's Allied Command Transformation, Strategic Foresight Branch.