Rebuilding Ukraine: Four Future Scenarios
The cost of Ukraine's reconstruction stands at a staggering $486 billion—and climbs higher with each passing day. Timely decisions on investments, workforce, and resources will define the nation’s post-war recovery and long-term future.
The Future of Retail
The growth of online retail sales, fast outpacing the growth of brick-and-mortar sales, has many wondering whether the future of retail resides online. But there are good reasons to think that retail stores will not go away anytime soon. So how will retail look like in the future?
Food Scanners - Will They Change Your Diet?
Imagine taking a small device out of your pocket, pointing it at a piece of food, and getting its exact composition and nutritional values. With these food scanners, you might. You could count its calories, know all its ingredients, and know whether it is spoiled or contaminated.
Are Smart glasses Back?
The adoption of smart glasses has been, to say the least, disappointing. But smartglasses-makers haven't given up, as this year's CES conference showed. Could persistence win the battle this time around?
Is Mind-Reading Technology Approaching?
No one can read minds. But the incredible progress we have made with technology may soon change this. Brain-machine interfaces are continuously improving and offer great potential. In essence, they could change how we interact with the world around us. Let's have a look at some developments that provide an extraordinary example of this.
The Future of Employment - 3 Things You Need to Know
With the arrival of 4th industrial revolution, automation and AI, the future of employment could look very different.
5 Countries Leading the Way in AI
That artificial intelligence (AI) is growing faster than ever before is no surprise. Our Future Proof blog has already discussed many of the consequences of this growth. But while we can go on about what AI will mean to our future, who exactly will create this AI. Or, better yet, what are the countries leading the AI revolution?
Pay at the Register? No, thanks
Earlier this year, 7-Eleven opened its first fully-automated store. It is located in Seoul, South Korea, in the world's 5th largest building. For now, it's only open to employees of Lotte, owner of Korea Seven. But soon, fully-automated stores could open everywhere.
Is Space Tourism Finally Coming?
Until recently, space tourism was the stuff of science fiction. But now, thanks in large to private companies pushing for it, we are only a couple of years away. While this spells exciting times, it also brings up questions about our very own nature.
Will You Win or Lose As Self-Driving Vehicles Take Over?
A recent Intel study has estimated that the "passenger economy" will be worth US$7 trillion by 2050. The "passenger economy," a term coined by the American technology company, is the full economic and societal value stemming from fully autonomous vehicles. In this economy, there are both winners and losers.
What's Beyond IoT?
IoT is a network of smart devices that are connected to each other and exchange data, but it is not necessarily sensitive and responsive to people. When it is, we call it Ambient Intelligence, something that truly resembles a futuristic scenario out of a sci-fi movie.
Will We Accept Social Ranking Systems?
China is planning to launch a Social Credit Score (SCS) system that ranks its 1.3 billion residents according their trustworthiness by 2020. It has been called as a futuristic version of Big Brother as it uses large variety of data to monitor and evaluate its citizens’ behaviour. How would you feel if your trustworthiness was publicly measured with a single algorithm-based score?
Five Drivers of Change in the Real Estate Business
Arguably the most significant driver of change in real estate is the tidal wave of urbanisation. This new wave of urbanisation is linked with many major changes, such as digitalisation, development of science and technology, changes in values and customer needs, sharing economy, experience economy, and innovation economy.