Rebuilding Ukraine: Four Future Scenarios

The cost of Ukraine's reconstruction stands at a staggering $486 billion—and climbs higher with each passing day. Timely decisions on investments, workforce, and resources will define the nation’s post-war recovery and long-term future.




Future Trends Spencer Phade Future Trends Spencer Phade

The Future of Airplanes

Since the very first flight by the Wright brothers in 1903, flight as a mode of transportation has revolutionized our world and how we travel. But what does the future of airplanes have in store?

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Future Trends Bruno Jacobsen Future Trends Bruno Jacobsen

How A Drone Attack Would Be A Serious Problem

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, have come to stay. And they promise to revolutionize several industries. But, like every other technology with the potential to significantly change things around us, it doesn't come without some risks. One, in particular, is terrifying to think about: drone attacks.

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Future Trends Bruno Jacobsen Future Trends Bruno Jacobsen

3 Trends Affecting the Retail Banking Industry

The banking industry hasn't been as disrupted as other industries by emerging technologies. Indeed, the bank where you open your first account is likely the same you'll stay with for the rest of your life. But a few interesting things have begun happening. First, open banking regulation will allow new services to emerge. Second, automation is changing the face of retail banking. And, third, new players and services are reshaping the payment landscape.

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Future Trends Bruno Jacobsen Future Trends Bruno Jacobsen

How AI Could Dictate Future Fashion Trends

Fashion and technology don't always appear in the same sentence. But as artificial intelligence makes its way through different sectors, future fashion trends won't remain immune to its effects. Here's how AI may not only determine what you wear, but also pick out your clothes for you.

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Future Trends Bruno Jacobsen Future Trends Bruno Jacobsen

The Moon Could be a Launchpad for Deep Space Exploration

In the last few years alone, there's been incredible progress in our dream to explore deep space. Thanks to the efforts of individuals like Elon Musk and organizations like NASA, interest in space talk has spiked again. And so has competition within the industry. Now, some believe that the key to fully realizing our ambitions may lie on the moon.

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Future Trends Bruno Jacobsen Future Trends Bruno Jacobsen

The Arrival of the Quantified Self

What's the "quantified self?" Also known as "lifelogging," the quantified self is a movement proposing the acquisition of data from every aspect of your daily life. This could include the type of food you eat, the calories you burn, the air you breathe, the number of hours you sleep, other.

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Future Trends Bruno Jacobsen Future Trends Bruno Jacobsen

Are Airplane Wings Getting a New Design?

It would be a stretch to say that airplane wings haven't changed much over the years. But to the less careful observer, at least aesthetically, that's what it seems like. But that could be all about to change, as NASA just tested airplane wings that fold up and down - much like bird wings.

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