New on Futures Platform: 2x2 Scenario Builder Tool
Our new 2x2 Scenario Builder feature provides a comprehensive tool for foresight, strategy, and innovation teams to easily integrate collaborative, systematic scenario planning into their everyday work.
Today, scenario planning has become a cornerstone of strategic planning for all organisations. With uncertainty at every turn, continuous scenario analysis is vital to maintain a clear understanding of potential future scenarios and develop adaptable strategies.
Yet, the sheer number of possibilities can be overwhelming, leaving organisations unsure of how to prepare for an ever-shifting future. Futures Platform's brand new 2x2 Scenario Builder feature provides a comprehensive tool for foresight, strategy, and innovation teams to easily integrate collaborative, systematic scenario planning into their everyday work.
With step-by-step guidance based on the axes of uncertainty method, the tool simplifies the scenario-building process and guides you and your team in exploring the potential future development paths of the trends, change signals and key uncertainties on your radar.
And unlike manual scenario work, the tool fosters collective thinking with its interactive collaboration features. It enables large and remote teams to build scenarios together, ensuring that no valuable insights are lost in the process.
An example scenario set on Futures Platform
"Scenarios provide a lens through which organisations can envision the multiple future possibilities that lie ahead. While we cannot predict the future, we equip our clients with the necessary tools to prepare for it," says Juha Mattsson, CEO at Futures Platform. "By integrating scenario planning into their strategic approach, organisations gain a significant advantage in identifying opportunities and mitigating threats, boosting their preparedness for any conceivable future scenario."
The 2x2 Scenario Builder functionality comes as an addition to Futures Platform’s collaborative foresight toolbox. Equipped with access to over 1000 pre-existing trend and scenario analyses by professional futurists, Futures Platform users also benefit from an extensive knowledge repository to enrich their scenario-building process.
To stay ahead, organisations must widen their lens, exploring not just their own industry but what’s happening on the edges.