Rebuilding Ukraine: Four Future Scenarios

The cost of Ukraine's reconstruction stands at a staggering $486 billion—and climbs higher with each passing day. Timely decisions on investments, workforce, and resources will define the nation’s post-war recovery and long-term future.




Future Trends, Foresight Best Practices Charlotte Korhonen, Marianna Mäki-Teeri, Tarian Jenkins Future Trends, Foresight Best Practices Charlotte Korhonen, Marianna Mäki-Teeri, Tarian Jenkins

The Future of AI-Driven Strategic Foresight: Insights from Experts

Our team of futurists took the stage as guest speakers at a Foresight Europe Network event, where the foresight community gathered to explore the future of strategic foresight in an increasingly AI-driven world. Here are the highlights.

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Future Trends Gökce Sandal Future Trends Gökce Sandal

2022 Recap: 5 Trends that Shaped the Year

2022 was a year of great upheaval and change, with a series of political and economic crises that will reverberate for many years to come. Looking back to the year, our team of futurists highlight five trends that shaped the trajectory of 2022 and will continue to shape the future.

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Foresight Best Practices Gökce Sandal Foresight Best Practices Gökce Sandal

Is Human-Machine Collaboration the Next Step in Strategic Foresight?

Although it is no news anymore that AI is better than us humans at spotting patterns across large data sets, machine intelligence is still not advanced enough to understand correlation and causality, which are among humans’ strong suits. Joining these two forces can help organisations streamline foresight processes and save time.

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Future of Education, COVID-19 Hanna Veltheim Future of Education, COVID-19 Hanna Veltheim

Future of education: AI becomes the teacher while humans mentor and coach

In our new article series, we zoom in on some specific areas and industries in the world that will emerge after the COVID-19 pandemic. This second instalment focuses on the future of education in the post-COVID-19 world. The article is based on an analysis by Futures Platform, with insight from the acclaimed Futurist Speaker Thomas Frey and Futures Platform’s Foresight Manager Marianna Mäki-Teeri.

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