Four scenarios on the future of AI in the workplace
AI’s rapid rise in the workplace is opening up new possibilities—some optimistic, others unsettling. We explore how AI could alter job roles, workplace dynamics, and society at large through four different scenarios.
The Future is Renewable
It is hard to dispute that the future of energy is renewable. But this share is expected to increase significantly in the decades to come, powered by new technologies, demand, and concerns over the current sources. What countries are leading this change?
Monetizing Sunshine
SolarCoin is a blockchain-based virtual currency which was initiated by SolarCoin Foundation to speed up the global renewable energy transition. Private and commercial solar owners registered in the SolarCoin network can claim one SolarCoin for every MWh of energy they produce. Generators of solar energy may receive SolarCoin grants.
Out of Batteries?
Demand for electricity off the grid and during peak hours is going up. Without a massive growth of energy storage, a new energy crisis is possible.